Quince Light Brandy 700ml
Bottle Details:
Condition: Brand New No Box
Bottle size: 700ml
ABV: n/a
Spirit Type: Brandy
Country: N/A
Quince Light Brandy 700ml is a distinctive and aromatic spirit that features the unique essence of quince fruits. This brandy, held in a sleek, clear 700ml bottle, showcases a light golden hue that reflects its refined and mellow age.
The aroma is a delightful mix of floral and fruity notes, with a predominant scent of ripe quince, complemented by subtle hints of spice and a mild sweetness. On the palate, it delivers a smooth and harmonious blend of sweet quince flavors with a light body and a pleasingly soft finish. This brandy is often appreciated for its versatility, being ideal for sipping neat, as a base in cocktails, or as an elegant accompaniment to desserts.
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